Evolved Love
Long before relationship coaching was invented, people have mostly either been in relationships or were looking to be in them.
The complexity of figuring out all the ins and outs of each situation was often daunting to both men and women alike, but there were at least standards back in the day to adhere to and use for guidance.
Today.. its far more confusing.
- What does dating look like in today’s world?
- What is expected of us?
- What should we expect, or not expect, from that other person?
- What about our erotic life?
- Sex?
- Skills?
- How about coupling up and being in love?
- Being in relationships successfully?
- What about romance and communication skills?
- Marriage?
- And what about work relationships?
- Friendships?
Everywhere around the world, millions of people look for the “perfect match” to share their lives with, yet they can’t navigate relationships. Either enter a relationship… or maintain it.
Knowing what oneself shows up with and brings to the table is so important here. This is the first step to being in relationship itself.
And because people change, their relationships must change over time in order to keep closeness and intimacy alive and available.
That is the next step. Understanding the changing dynamics and how to bend within a relationship, but not break.
In our Evolved Love™ Relationship Coaching program we help align your understanding of yourself and your relationships with your expectations. We believe that any relationship requires alignment of values, needs and desire… so we help you to determine them.
- We then teach you the concepts of pleasing another person and yourself, in and out of the bedroom.
- The polarization between male and female energies, and how to be with them in yourself and another person.
- How to maintain courtship and be in your erotic power.
- And we give you clear processes to navigate the waters of self, sexuality, and relationship.
Whether it is a corporate/business relationship, a friend, lover, or life partner… we are in relationships all the time.
Connection, caring, sex, love, romance, magic.
Where do relationships effect your life?
What would happen if they were amazing?
It is likely beyond your comprehension at the moment. The difference can be so profound and far reaching.
If you are a smart, sensitive, and aware person, and wanting forward motion in your business, friend, and love life… this program is for you.
See our on-line foundational program for your love life and your personal evolution here: Evolved Love
Come learn the dynamics that you wished you’d known years ago…
at Powerbuilders™